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Ethan Weinrot


Ethan is a rising third-year undergraduate student at the University of Texas at Austin. He has lived in Los Angeles his whole life but now spends most of his time in Austin. Ethan developed a sense of entrepreneurship at a very young age creating and selling anything from duct tape wallets to hand-sewn sweatshirts. Now with an eye to sustainable development, Ethan appreciates quality and timeless design, whether that be apparel or software. Ethan’s appreciation for innovative design blossomed his interest in working with startups through a VC lens.

Ethan previously worked at a real estate finance start-up specializing in multifamily properties in the small balance preferred equity space where he developed a keen eye for driven sponsors and developers. Looking forward, Ethan plans to graduate with a degree in Finance and is looking to ride the wave of exciting development and buzz in the Austin start-up scene.

Go to App?
Shazam – their playlist feature is killer.

What inspires you?
Raw ambition and persistence.

5-year Goal?
I would love to learn Spanish.

Want to improve?
My accent impersonations because everyone needs a cool party trick.

Notable quality?
Teamwork and curiosity.

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